Training Seminars

Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design (CPTED)

Train-The-Trainer Course

Kansas City, Kansas Police Department
Tuesday, May 19 – Thursday, May 21, 2014

For Info, Contact:
Captain Greg Lawson
Community Policing Commander

Course Expectations

The “Train-The-Trainer” course in CPTED will prepare the individual with knowledge in the application of CPTED concepts that can be passed on to other persons. There will be an emphasis in the understanding of CPTED concepts to provide an adequate background in which to apply them. This course is designed only around existing environments, and not newly proposed developments where reading blueprints/site plans and understanding the planning/building process is part of the instruction. CPTED for new construction projects is a separate course.

Topics of instruction include methods to assess a crime risk and how to reduce criminal opportunity using CPTED. The course will also provide information on how to implement and gain approval for the implementation of CPTED concepts. Environments to be covered include all types of residential, commercial properties, industrial operations, recreation and parks. Physical and electronic security measures will be covered as to various options available in a security assessment. How to conduct a security assessment of a building and the incorporation of CPTED concepts will be discussed.

This is a course filled with information on the practical application of CPTED concepts in everyday crime challenged locations.




March 17-18, 2014

Security Design Concepts, Inc.
3123 E. Locust Ave.
Orange, CA 92867
Bruce Ramm:


Bruce Ramm, president of Security Design Concepts and charter member of the California Crime Prevention Officers Association. He is a former police officer from the City of Orange and the recipient of the California Crime Prevention Officer's Association "Outstanding Crime Prevention Practitioner Award."

He was one of 10 runners-up to the Police Officer of the Year awarded by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (for work in the field of crime prevention). He has been recognized by the California State Assembly and County of Orange Board of Supervisors for his work in crime prevention.

Since 1978, he has been an instructor for the Basic Police Academy at Golden West College teaching the crime prevention section. For over 10 years he taught a 3-day California Peace Officer Standards & Training (P.O.S.T.) course on how to develop a crime prevention program.

He is a California P.O.S.T. Certified Instructor and a consultant to law enforcement agencies on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and general crime prevention.
Mr. Ramm also holds a California Lifetime Community College Teaching Credential.